Overview of fitting method¶
The fitting method folder is structured in folders and main files. Main files are those ones that are used to run the most important codes. Below is a list of folders presented in this method and the files encontered here. It is important to note that this code has been tested on root 6.22/00.
Fitting method folder structure¶
The folders contained in fitting method are described below.
Folder | Purpose |
📂 DATA | Where .root with data should be placed for measuring efficiency |
📂 src | Where important files related to main code are keeped |
└ 📂 dofits | Here it keeps files that are responsible to do the fitting over invariant masses histograms |
📂 tests | Some teste made during the development of this tool |
📂 results | This folder stores the results output and it is created when any code finnish running |
Main files¶
There are six main files in the fitting method. For simple results like the ones obtained in sideband subtraction method the file used is efficiency.cpp.
Main files are explained below.
📄 simplify_data.cpp¶
The simplify_data.cpp
file, as the name sugest, simplify a DATA file obtained from this Tag and Probe tool. It is necessary to simplify due RooFit limitations where fitting method codes here used are based on.
There are two lines responsable for input and output file:
TFile *file0 = TFile::Open("INPUT_FILE_PATH.root");
TFile *fileIO = TFile::Open("OUTPUT_FILE_PATH.root","RECREATE");
Every user should run this code firstly to simplify .root
files in order to use it in fitting method.
The input files here are provenient from the main Tag and Probe tool in this repository. If you want to get a new ntuple, you should run it.
📄 efficiency.cpp¶
This file is responsible to measure the efficiency simple by fitting method as described in this fitting method section.
Choosing ressonance¶
Here it include the file that is responsible to fit the ressonance and return the yield obtained with error.
//Change if you need
#include "src/dofits/DoFit_Jpsi_Run.h"
By default out tool keeps all ressonance fit in the folder src/dofits
. There are some example there for specific ressonances and fits.
There are two main parameters to control this code.
//Which Muon Id do you want to study?
string MuonId = "trackerMuon";
The string MuonId
supports "trackerMuon"
, "standaloneMuon"
and "globalMuon"
//Which quantity do you want to use?
string quantity = "Pt"; double bins[] = {0., 2.0, 3.4, 4.0, 4.4, 4.7, 5.0, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 7.3, 9.5, 13.0, 17.0, 40.};
string quantity
supports "Pt"
, "Eta"
and "Phi"
double bins[]
is used to set histogram bins limits. In the example above, the first bin is [0., 2.), the second is [2., 4.) and so on.
There are two output folders in this file by default. They are defined in those lines of code:
//Path where is going to save results png for every bin
const char* path_bins_fit_folder = "results/bins_fit/efficiency/";
refers to the path where each individual fit of bins will be stored as .png
. In this folder you can find every fit made in this method.
//Path where is going to save efficiency
string directoryToSave = string("results/efficiencies/efficiency/") + output_folder_name + string("/");
The directoryToSave
stores the path to save the efficiency result. It is saved as a .root
file containing passing and total histograms as well the efficiency result histogram.
Informations about the output is printed at end of running.
📄 loop_over_efficiencies.cpp¶
The purpose of this code is rerun the efficiency.cpp
for differents configurations. This code is not recommended for systematic calculations indeed and it was firstly created for systematic studies only.
The importants variables to keep in mind are listed below
Type | Name | Purpose |
double | default_min | the minimum invariant mass window postion |
double | default_max | the maximum invariant mass window postion |
bool | should_loop_muon_id | if true, it loops over all muons id (tracking, standalone, global) |
bool | should_loop_settings | if true, it loops over all settings presented in set_settings() function |
int | setting | if should_loop_settings is false, it uses only this setting number |
bool | exactly | This only affect the name of output plots inside .root . Its recommended to keep it set to false |
It is one of four functions presented in this code. Its is called by:
void set_settings(int index, bool exactly = false)
Inside this function are preset settings that this file runs over. Each setting is associated with a number here named as index. This function is responsible to set the index configuration to the efficiency for running the efficiency.cpp
void loop_settings()
If should_loop_muon_id
is true, this function is called. It loops over all muon ids: tracking, standalone, global.
void loop_muon_id()
If should_loop_settings
is true, this function is called. It loops over all settings preset in set_settings(...)
void loop_over_efficiencies()
It is the main function of this file. It is the function which calls every other function when it is needed.
📄 plot_sys_efficiency.cpp¶
The plot_sys_efficiency.cpp
code creates a single .root
with variations made. Unlike the previous code, the loop_over_efficiencies.cpp
, that makes each source of uncertainty be in a separate .root, this one puts all of them in a single .root
. This code has been further optimized than his precursor and also as a differential it already calculates the systematic uncertainty. Below it is specified main variables used in this code.
//Which Muon Id do you want to study?
string MuonId = "trackerMuon";
The string MuonId
supports "trackerMuon"
, "standaloneMuon"
and "globalMuon"
//Which quantity do you want to use?
string quantity = "Pt"; double bins[] = {0., 2.0, 3.4, 4.0, 4.4, 4.7, 5.0, 5.6, 5.8, 6.0, 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 7.3, 9.5, 13.0, 17.0, 40.};
string quantity
supports "Pt"
, "Eta"
and "Phi"
double bins[]
is used to set histogram bins limits. In the example above, the first bin is [0., 2.), the second is [2., 4.) and so on.
Inside plot_sys_efficiency()
, there is some useful variables too:
Type | Name | Purpose |
string | path_bins_fit_folder | Stores the path to the output folder where .png of fit for each bin made will be |
string | directoryToSave | Stores the path to output file |
📄 overplot_efficiencies.cpp¶
The overplot_efficiencies.cpp
code will take the results of the previous topic and make a single graph containing all its variations and will output a .png
containing the graph.
All main variables in this file are in overplot_efficiencies()
Type | Name | Purpose |
const char* | input_folder_name | Stores the path to input folder where .root is |
const char* | output_folder_name | Stores the path to output folder |
string | MuonId | It accepts values of "trackerMuon" , "standaloneMuon" and "globalMuon" |
string | quantity | It accepts values of "Pt" , "Eta" and "Phi" |
Remeber when selecting MuonId and quantity to run plot_sys_efficiency.cpp
before with same configurations.
📄 plot_sys_efficiency_2d.cpp¶
In order to calculate systematic uncertainties in 2D, it was necessary to create another code: the plot_sys_efficiency_2d.cpp
. It has a .root
output containing the efficiency histograms that can be viewed through the new TBrowser
on root command.
The variables in this file is shown below:
Type | Name | Purpose |
string | MuonId | It accepts values of "trackerMuon" , "standaloneMuon" and "globalMuon" |
string | xquantity | It accepts values of "Pt" , "Eta" and "Phi" for horizontal axis |
double[] | xbins | is used to set histogram bins limits for horizontal axis |
string | yquantity | It accepts values of "Pt" , "Eta" and "Phi" for vertical axis |
double[] | ybins | is used to set histogram bins limits for vertical axis |
string | path_bins_fit_folder | Stores the path folder where is going to save fit results png for every bin |
const char* | output_folder_name | Stores the path to output folder where is going to save the 2D efficiency result |