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Common tools for physics objects

Many of the most important kinematic quantities defining a physics object are accessed in a common way across all the objects. All objects have associated energy-momentum vectors, typically constructed using transverse momentum, pseudorapdity, azimuthal angle, and mass or energy.

4-vector access functions

In, the muon four-vector elements are accessed as shown below. In this example, the values for each muon are stored into an array, which will become a branch in a ROOT TTree.

Handle<reco::MuonCollection> mymuons;
iEvent.getByLabel(muonInput, mymuons);


for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator itmuon=mymuons->begin(); itmuon!=mymuons->end(); ++itmuon){
  if (itmuon->pt() > mu_min_pt) {





The same type of kinematic member functions are used in all the different analyzers in the src/ directory of the POET example code. These and other basic kinematic methods are defined in the LeafCandidate class of the CMSSW DataFormats package (rendered for maybe easier readability in the CMSSW software documentation).

In, the muon four-vector elements are accessed as shown below. In this example, the values for each muon are stored into an array, which will become a branch in a ROOT TTree.

Handle<pat::MuonCollection> muons;
iEvent.getByToken(muonToken_, muons);


for (const pat::Muon &mu : *muons)



The same type of kinematic member functions are used in all the different analyzers in the src/ directory of the POET example code. These and other basic kinematic methods are defined in the LeafCandidate class of the CMSSW DataFormats package (rendered for maybe easier readability in the CMSSW software documentation).

Track access functions

Many objects are also connected to tracks from the CMS tracking detectors. Information from tracks provides other kinematic quantities that are common to multiple types of objects.

From a muon object, we can access the associated track while looping over muons via the globalTrack method:

auto trk = mu->globalTrack(); // muon track

Often, the most pertinent information about an object (such as a muon) to access from its associated track is its impact parameter with respect to the primary interaction vertex. Since muons can also be tracked through the muon detectors, we first check if the track is well-defined, and then access impact parameters in the xy-plane (dxy or d0) and along the beam axis (dz), as well as their respective uncertainties. They can be accessed as shown in this code snippet from MuonAnalyzer:

    auto trk = itmuon->globalTrack();
    if (trk.isNonnull()) {

These functions need the position of the interaction vertex (pv) as an input and this is provided through the first elemement of the vertex collection vertices which gives the best estimate of the interaction point. The vertex collection is accessed with:

  Handle<reco::VertexCollection> vertices;
  iEvent.getByLabel(InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"), vertices);


  math::XYZPoint pv(vertices->begin()->position());

Note that the tracking method depends on the object, the electron tracks are found using the Gaussian-sum filter method gsfTrack:

auto trk = it->gsfTrack(); // electron track

From a muon object, we can access the associated track while looping over muons via the muonBestTrack method.

Often, the most pertinent information about an object (such as a muon) to access from its associated track is its impact parameter with respect to the primary interaction vertex. Since muons can also be tracked through the muon detectors, we first check if the track is well-defined, and then access impact parameters in the xy-plane (dxy or d0) and along the beam axis (dz), as well as their respective uncertainties. They can be accessed as shown in this code snippet from MuonAnalyzer:


These functions need the position of the interaction vertex (PV) as an input and this is provided through the first elemement of the vertex collection vertices which gives the best estimate of the interaction point. The vertex collection is accessed with:

  Handle<reco::VertexCollection> vertices;
  iEvent.getByToken(vtxToken_, vertices);
  const reco::Vertex &PV = vertices->front();

Note that the tracking method depends on the object, the electron tracks are found using the Gaussian-sum filter method gsfTrack.

Matching to generated particles

Simulated files also contain information about the generator-level particles that were propagated into the showering and detector simulations. Physics objects can be matched to these generated particles spatially.

The AOD2NanoAOD tool is an example code extracting objects from AOD file and storing them in an output file. In its analyzer code, it sets up several utility functions for matching: findBestMatch, findBestVisibleMatch, and subtractInvisible. The findBestMatch function takes generated particles (with an automated type T) and the 4-vector of a physics object. It uses angular separation to find the closest generated particle to the reconstructed particle:

template <typename T>
int findBestMatch(T& gens, reco::Candidate::LorentzVector& p4) {

  # initial definition of "closest" is really bad
  float minDeltaR = 999.0;
  int idx = -1;

  # loop over the generated particles
  for (auto g = gens.begin(); g != gens.end(); g++) {
    const auto tmp = deltaR(g->p4(), p4);

    # if it is closer, overwrite the definition of closest
    if (tmp < minDeltaR) {
      minDeltaR = tmp;
      idx = g - gens.begin();
  return idx; # return the index of the match

The other utility functions are similar, but correct for generated particles that decay to neutrinos, which would affect the "visible" 4-vector.

In the AOD2NanoAOD tool, muons are matched only to "interesting" generated particles, which are all the leptons and photons (PDG ID 11, 13, 15, 22). Their generator status must be 1, indicating a final-state particle after any radiation chain.

if (!isData){
  value_gen_n = 0;

  for (auto p = selectedMuons.begin(); p != selectedMuons.end(); p++) {

      // get the muon's 4-vector
      auto p4 = p->p4();

      // perform the matching with a utility function
      auto idx = findBestVisibleMatch(interestingGenParticles, p4);

      // if a match was found, save the generated particle's information
      if (idx != -1) {
        auto g = interestingGenParticles.begin() + idx;

  // another example of common 4-vector access functions!
        value_gen_pt[value_gen_n] = g->pt();
        value_gen_eta[value_gen_n] = g->eta();
        value_gen_phi[value_gen_n] = g->phi();
        value_gen_mass[value_gen_n] = g->mass();

  // gen particles also have ID and status from the generator
        value_gen_pdgid[value_gen_n] = g->pdgId();
        value_gen_status[value_gen_n] = g->status();

  // save the index of the matched gen particle
        value_mu_genpartidx[p - selectedMuons.begin()] = value_gen_n;

To do

This will refer to Run 2 MiniAOD branch of AOD2NanoAODOutreachTool once available