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class SidebandSubtraction

Holds Type class. This is the mother class.

Constructor details

SidebandSubtraction(const char* resonance)
        : resonance(resonance)

Public variable details


Type Name Default value
const char* resonance "Jpsi"
const char* particleName "Muon"
const char* canvasWatermark "#bf{CMS Open Data}"
const char* directoryToSave "../result/"
bool doTracker true
bool doStandalone true
bool doGlobal true
bool doTagMuon true
bool doProbeMuon true


  • const char* resonance = "Jpsi"
    • Supports values "Jpsi", "Upsilon" or "Upsilon(1S)".
  • const char* particleName = "Muon"
    • Stores the particle name for titles.
  • const char* canvasWatermark = "#bf{CMS Open Data}"
    • Stores what watermark will be showed in plots.
  • const char* directoryToSave = "../result/"
    • Where all canvas will be stored.
  • bool doTracker = true
    • If it will compute Tracker muons efficiency.
  • bool doStandalone = true
    • If it will compute Standalone muons efficiency.
  • bool doGlobal = true
    • If it will compute Global muons efficiency.

Constructed objects

  • Type Tracker
    • Stores all informations about Tracker muons.
  • Type Standalone
    • Stores all informations about Standalone muons.
  • Type Global
    • Stores all informations about Global muons.

Public Functions details


void consistencyDebugCout()

Print on terminal the consistency check after subtractSigHistograms().


void createEfficiencyCanvas(bool shouldWrite = false,
                            bool shouldSavePNG = false)

Create canvas for all efficiencies calculated. It need to be called after createEfficiencyPlot(...).


void createEfficiencyPlot(bool shouldWrite = false)

Create a TEfficiency object with calculated efficiency. It needs do be called after subtractSigHistograms().


void createMassCanvas(bool drawRegions = false,
                    bool shouldWrite = false,
                    bool shouldSavePNG = false)

Create canvas for all invariant mass (passing and all muons).


void createQuantitiesCanvas(bool shouldWrite = false,
                            bool shouldSavePNG = false)

Create canvas for all quantities after subtractSigHistograms().


void defineMassHistogramNumbers(int nBins,
                                double xMin,
                                double xMax,
                                int decimals = 3)

Redefine number parameters of all mass histograms.


void doFit()

Apply a fit over all invariant mass stored.


void fillMassHistograms(double** quantities,
                        int** types)

Automatically fill all masses histograms. Needs to be called in a loop over all dataset.


void fillQuantitiesHistograms(double** quantities,
                            int** types)

Automatically fill all quantities histograms. Needs to be called in a loop over all dataset.


void normalizeHistograms()

Normalize quantities histograms of variable bin after filling it.


void subtractSigHistograms()

Apply sideband subtraction over all histograms.


void updateMassValuesAll()

After fill invariant mass histograms, you need to set signal regions and sideband regions. This function will set it for you.


void writeMassHistogramsOnFile(bool writehPass,
                            bool writehAll)

Write all mass canvas histograms in a root file. Just need to call this function and all mass histograms will be written.


void writeQuantitiesHistogramsOnFile(bool hSigBack,
                                    bool hSig,
                                    bool hBack)

Write all quantities histograms in a root file. Just need to call this function and all quantities histograms will be written. It needs to be called after subtractSigHistograms().